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Web Design Trends in 2022

Here are some of the trends in web design we anticipate to have an ongoing impact in 2022:   Web-based scavenger hunts Websites’ structures actually lend themselves to puzzles and scavenger hunts incredibly well. You can daisy-chain pages and password-protect certain parts, making visitors provide…

Digital Marketing Trends in 2022

After almost two years where the ground seemed to keep shifting under our feet, writing a post that predicts digital marketing trends for 2022 might look like nailing water to the wall. Luckily, these trends have nothing to do with a crystal ball, and everything…

Priorities in Google Ads

Google Ads sheds light on their top three priorities for 2022: automation, measurement, and privacy. Learn how they’re tackling these topics in this week’s blog. As buyer behaviour continues to shift throughout the pandemic, Google Ads has committed to a better experience for its users….